complex technology

The complexity and coherence of our technology is paltry 
in comparison to biological organisms. But those organisms 
emerge from much less digital information than we provide 
in our technology. This is a real technology gap.

Of course, we don't make as good use of the laws of nature ... 
and while we have some exraordinary capabilities, we suffer 
equally from our natural limits.

Despite the low complexity of our technological artifacts, 
(as compared with living organisms) we don't usually build 
these artifacts well.

We can probably do much better, and define programs that 
do more with less work, and that more comfortably reflect 
our emerging concepts and fundamental principles, 
such as comprehensibility, etc.

This is where I'll list experimental pursuits along these lines, 
in the engineering of complex technology.

centers as dynamic divs and colors

Greg Bryant